Monday, January 31, 2011


 Candace over at Candace's Book Blog is hosting this giveaway Here are some books that I've heard a lot of things about and they are up for grabs!  Unearthly, Once in a Full Moon and Desires of the Dead!  Open to US and international! To enter and for more info click Here!  &nbs...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Win a Nook Color!

  bookalicio is hosting this giveaway.For her two year blogging anniversary shes giving away books and a lucky winner will win a Nook Color! Harper Childrens Fancy Nancy Prize Pack. This prize pack includes the Fancy Nancy DS Game, Fancy Nancy Doll, Fancy Nancy Change Purse, Fancy Nancy and the Fabulous Fashion Boutique, Fancy...

Win Blood Promise, the 4th book in the Vampire Academy series

                                    Sisters in the Scribe is hosting this giveaway Vampire Academy book 4Blood Promise!                                       ...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Win Immortal Beloved!

                                           Giveaway - Immortal Beloved   The Giveaway is hosted by Escape In A Book! Its open to all.Only one entry per perso...

The Cool People Contest

The Cool People Contest is a giveaway hosted by Rhiannon over at From the Trees, shes giving away an Amazon giftcard, right now its a $20.00 card but it can be $100.00! Check out her blog to see all the details.                                    ...

Reading Fever's Blog Kick-off Giveaway!

Lots to win over at The Reading Fever! What to win: Set #1The Iron King by Julie Kagawa (paperback)Incarceron by Catherine Fisher (hardcover)Wings by Aprilynne Pike (book #1) (hardcover)Spells by Aprilynne Pike (book #2) (hardcover) Set #2Mistwood by Leah Cypess (hardcover)The Hourglass Door by Lisa Mangum (paperback)The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Darkest Mercy Giveaway!!

I love this series, its one of my favorite series. The Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr. The newest book in the series will be released February 22, 2011, but I found a blog that has a copy to giveaway. Its an ARC.  Darkest Mercy   Rules: 1. International 2. Ends February 3, 2011 at Midnight EST 3. You must be 13 years...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

2010 Goodbye Giveaway!

A Huge Giveaway is going on over on BloodyBookaholic! Theres lots to win! Heres just a few of the books that you can win:                                                          The Lost Saint by Bree Despain                         ...

Giveaway #1: Debut Authors 2011

I found this giveaway while looking around the internet, you could win three great books. They all sound good I don't know which one to choose. Its a international giveaway, deadline January 31st 2011. Fill out this Form.                                   ...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Loving the Review Challenge

I was invited to this challenge. Loving Reviews Challenge hosted by Brandi of Bilkosiner's Blog and Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books. I decided to sign up, you review books, thats all, it sounds fun! To enter and for all the information click Here! My first book I'll be reviewing is Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. I'll...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Review- The Lady's Slipper

Title: The Lady's Slipper Author:Deborah Swift Publisher: St. Martin's Press  Release Date: November 23, 2010 Summary (Goodreads): 1660. King Charles II has returned from exile, but memories of the English Civil War still rankle. There are old scores to settle, and religious differences threaten to overturn a fragile peace. When...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Another Challenge!

I love to challenge myself and I have another here to sign up for, its a Vampire Challenge, I love vampire books! Its hosted by Parajunkie, I love this blog. Sign up here. THE RULES: Post about this challenge on your blog stating that you are participating. That post is the link that you will include in the Mr. Linky below. The link should be the...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Next Review

My computer has not been working for some time now, but I finally got it working, and the next books that I'm going to review are Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones and The Lady's Slipper by Deborah Swift. I'll get them up as soon as possible. I don't get a lot of time to read so I'm not sure when that will be. ...