Friday, May 31, 2013

Update May TBR Pile/ June TBR List

May didn't so go well for me, lol! I only read one of the books on my May list.  Or ONE and a Half of the books on that list, I'll be done with Shards and Ashes (by Melissa Marr & Kelley Armstrong) before the day is over with. And the book that I read is a comic book, but I did read other books, they just wasn't books on the list. Books...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Stacking The Shelves 5/26/13

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews is just that, it's all about adding  (stacking) to you'r bookshelves. Since I haven't done a S.t.S. post for this year yet, I could have this whole page filled with books that I have got from January up until now, so I'm only going to post the books that I got in the...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Review: All I Need by Susane Colasanti

Title: All I Need Series: N/A Author: Susane Colasanti Publisher: Penguin Group/Viking Children's  Publication Date: May 21, 2013 Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance Reading Source: NetGalley Reading Level: 12+   Length: 240...