Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Review: Crash Into You by Katie McGarry

Title: Crash Into You Series: Pushing the Limits #3 Author: Katie McGarry  Publisher: Harlequin Teen  Publication Date: November 26, 2013 Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary   Reading Source: NetGalley Reading Level: 14+     Grade Level: 7+ Length: 496 Format: e-ARC  ...

Monday, February 3, 2014

January Wrap Up & February 2014 TBR

January 2014 Wrap Up   I had a great reading month, I read a total of 13 books for January!  Here's the last of the books that I read in the first month of 2014.   Defy (Defy, # 1) by Sara B. Larson ★★★★ ~Review~ In The After (In The After, #1) by Demitria Lunetta ★★★★★  Defiance (Defiance, #1) by...