Wednesday, June 29, 2016

W.O.W. #61

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine to post books that you have been really wanting for a long time.

Something in Between 

Title: Something in Between
                    Author: Melissa de la Cruz
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Release Date: October 4th 2016

It feels like there's no ground beneath me, like everything I've ever done has been a lie. Like I'm breaking apart, shattering. Who am I? Where do I belong? 

Jasmine de los Santos has always done what's expected of her. Pretty and popular, she's studied hard, made her Filipino immigrant parents proud and is ready to reap the rewards in the form of a full college scholarship.  

And then everything shatters. A national scholar award invitation compels her parents to reveal the truth: their visas expired years ago. Her entire family is illegal. That means no scholarships, maybe no college at all and the very real threat of deportation. 

For the first time, Jasmine rebels, trying all those teen things she never had time for in the past. Even as she's trying to make sense of her new world, it's turned upside down by Royce Blakely, the charming son of a high-ranking congressman. Jasmine no longer has any idea where—or if—she fits into the American Dream. All she knows is that she's not giving up. Because when the rules you lived by no longer apply, the only thing to do is make up your own. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Review: The Forgotten Rabbit

The Forgotten Rabbit

Title: The Forgotten Rabbit
Series: Standalone 
Author: Nancy Furstinger, Nancy Lane 
Publisher: The Gryphon Press 
Publication Date: April 1, 2014
Genre: Childrens , Picture Book
Reading Source: Scribd
Length: 24
Format: e-book
  Cover Art: 5/5
 Overall: 5/5


“A true success story. I just loved it. The Forgotten Rabbit will not be forgotten!”
—Amy Sedaris, proud rabbit rescue owner for over 20 years

With its compelling color illustrations and evocative descriptions, The Forgotten Rabbit tells the tale of Bella the rabbit as she makes a giant leap from neglected Easter bunny to cherished animal companion.

A baby rabbit is chosen as an Easter present, but is soon forgotten by the family’s children as they pursue other activities. Her cage is moved outside, and she is rarely tended. As winter comes, she grows weak with hunger and curls into herself to disappear. Then, one night a girl called Rosalita takes her out of her cage, telling her that she has a new home, one in which she will never again be forgotten. Enjoying love, care, and a new name—Bella—she takes to the fun of agility lessons. Bella wins first prize in a rabbit agility contest—jumping with joy into the always-loving arms of Rosalita.

Written so that children five and up can immediately grasp the point, this children’s picture book gives honest but charming insights into the proper care of a rabbit as a companion animal. The story is suspenseful, moving, and, in the end, joyful. The active language will delight children while helping them build vocabulary skills.
Nancy Furstinger is the author of nearly one hundred books, including another Gryphon Press title, Maggie’s Second Chance.Nancy Lane has illustrated twenty-seven books in twenty-five years, including the Gryphon Press titles A Home for Dakota, Call the Horse Lucky, and KoKoCat, Inside and Out.

A great book for any child or parent that is wanting to get a pet rabbit. More often than not, just like any other shiny new toy, the novelty wears off quickly and they are put in a cage to live out their lives alone. Bunnies make wonderful pets but they take a lot of hard work. Some people think rabbits are rodents, they are not rodents. Just like any other pet they are sociable animals and like to be around other rabbits or people.
They need a veterinarian who is qualified to care for them too. Rabbits are very inquisitive creatures and get bored without mental stimulation; cardboard boxes, plastic baby toys (plastic keys/small rattles) or there are toys specialty for rabbits at most superstores.
They don't need to be bathed they do a very good job at keep themselves clean.
Rabbits can be trained as well, I've trained my indoor rabbit to use a litter box!

I recommend they are kept indoors, maybe in a room that is not being used or in the corner of a room. And please do your homework before getting any new living pet.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Kindle Deals #14-2

 I know I only do one Kindle Deals post each month, but I found a few more deals. I guess I should wait until the end of the month next time. 

Here are ebooks that are $5.99 $4.99 and under!
(Click on the images to go to the amazon page.) 



Do you have any deals I should know about?

W.O.W. #60

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine to post books that you have been really wanting for a long time.

Seven Days of You 

Title: Seven Days
                    Author: Cecilia Vinesse
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Release Date: March 7th 2017  

Sophia has seven days left in Tokyo before she moves back to the States. Seven days to say good-bye to the electric city, her wild best friend, and the boy she’s harbored a semi-secret crush on for years. Seven perfect days…until Jamie Foster-Collins moves back to Japan and ruins everything.

Jamie and Sophia have a history of heartbreak, and the last thing Sophia wants is for him to steal her leaving thunder with his stupid arriving thunder. Yet as the week counts down, the relationships she thought were stable begin to explode around her. And Jamie is the one who helps her pick up the pieces. Sophia is forced to admit she may have misjudged Jamie, but can their seven short days of Tokyo adventures end in anything but good-bye?

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Kindle Deals #14

 Here are ebooks that are $5.99 and under!
(Click on the images to go to the amazon page.) 






Do you have any deals I should know about?