Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Time Will Come #7

The Time Will Come is a weekly meme hosted by Jodie @ Books For Company, which spotlights books that have been on you'r shelves for a long time.
Want to join?
-Pick a book you have been meaning to read
-Do a post telling us about the book
-Link the post up in the linky
-Visit other blogs
This weeks book is...
Star Crossed
Aries Rising 
by Bonnie Hearn Hill

Aquarius Logan McRae is a high school sophomore in Terra Bella Beach, CA and has been working all semester to impress her teachers in order to get into the summer writing camp she desperately wants to attend. But when this ordinary girl finds an extraordinary book, Fearless Astrology, her life is changed forever. Applying what she-s learned about the zodiac, she lands her own column in the school paper and a date with the hottest guy in school! But when Logan threatens to catch the members of a secret society called The Gears, who have been vandalizing school property by reading the stars, she quickly learns that she is in over her head. Will Logan be able to catch The Gears, save her love life, keep her newspaper column, and get into the writing camp of her dreams all through the use of astrology?

 I don't know who even got me this book, I know that sounds really bad, but it  has been on my shelf for a least a year maybe more, I will get around to reading it, someday. :)


Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy said...

Sounds like an amazing book! Hope you can read it soon! I love the astrology! Reads interestingly!

Monaliz said...

I think I've never heard about this one, sounds intriguing :) Goes to my wishlist right away!

Books for Company said...

I seen this one in my library and was a bit unsure!
I think it sounds really good just don't have the time. Hope you do get to it, would love to see a review =)