For those of you who don't know, Liebster is German for "dearest! How cute!
In accepting the Liebster Blog Award, the recipient agrees too:
1. Thank the blogger who gave them this award and link back to that person's blog.
2. Copy and paste the award to their blog.
3. Reveal the 5 blogs they have chosen to award, commenting on theirs blogs to share the news.
This award is for anyone with fewer than 200 followers :)
The five blogs I choose to give the award to:
Nicole @ The Reader's Antidote
Celine @ Forget-Me-Not
Arielle Y @ * Chimneys & Magic *
benjisquenge @ Fairy Bookshelf
Emma @ Lost in a YA Book
Thank you so much Sarah. This is the second time I have been awarded the Liebster Award. I am honoured that you chose my blog for this.
Emma @ Lost in a YA Book
Oh you'r welcome. Sorry I didn't see it on you'r blog. :)
Thank you very much Sarah! I didn't know how awards work in blog since I am very new at blogging. This is my first award ever, like you! I really liked your blog too!
Oh, thankyou!!! :)
Your welcome. :D
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