Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Teaser Tuesday #20

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB @ Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:Grab you'r current readOpen the book to a random pageShare with us two (2) "teasers" sentences form that pageBe careful not to include spoilers! (make sure what you share doesn't give away too much! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)Share...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Review & Giveaway: Incarnate (NewSoul) by Jodi Meadows

Incarnate (NewSoul #1) Jodi Meadows HarperCollins Goodreads: NEWSOUL  Ana is new. For thousands of years in Range, a million souls have been reincarnated over and over, keeping their memories and experiences from previous lifetimes. When Ana was born, another soul vanished, and no...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

IMM #18

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren, which allows you to post books you have received/bought/won this week.   Bought: Blood Red Road by Moira Young  -I like the paperback cover better than the hardback. Moon Spell by Samantha Young  - It's free for the Kindle! Won: The Grimoire Chromicles: Veil...

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Outside - a post-apocalyptic novel Shalini Boland Goodreads: Book One in The Outside Series.  The future is divided by Perimeters: high-security gated communities where life goes on as normal. If you’re inside you’re lucky. If you’re outside, life expectancy takes a nose dive.  Riley is fortunate to have been born on...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Third Sentence Thursday #7

Third Sentence Thursday is a weekly meme that Heather @ Proud Book Nerd hosts.How to play along... 1. Take the book you are currently reading and post the third sentence,2. Share you'r thoughts on the sentence.3. Post a link to you'r blog in the link list (Leave it in the comments if you don't have a blog)4. Visit the other blogs to...

The Time Will Come #17

The Time Will Come is a weekly meme hosted by Jodi @ Books for Company, which spotlights books that have been on you'r shelves for a long time.Want to join? Sounds good, it even has fa-Pick a book that you have been meaning to read-Do a post telling us about the book -Link the post in the linky-Visit other blogsThis weeks book is... ...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Courtney Allison Moulton is hosting a Giveaway. The Prizes are both of her books! Check out her website to find out how. I've been wanting to read these books for a long time.                                               Click HERE to enter! ...

2000 Follower Giveaway!

Congratulations to Mary @ Sparkling Reviews on reaching 2000 followers! Shes having a giveaway! The prizes are amazing! How would you like to win a 93 inch Mitsubishi TV? Well you can, and some other great prizes as well. Here's whats in the giveaway.  2000 Followers Giveaway!includes:*1 73 inch Mitsubishi TV *1 Sony Home Theater Set...

Wishlist Wednesday #10

Wishlist Wednesday, hosted by Pen to Paper to post books that you have been really wanting for a long time.   Goodreads:The same questions whirl round and round in my head: What does he want from me? How could I have let this happen? AM I GOING TO DIE?  17-year-old Grace wakes up in a white room, with a table, pens...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Teaser Tuesday #19

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB @ Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:Grab you'r current readOpen the book to a random pageShare with us two (2) "teasers" sentences form that pageBe careful not to include spoilers! (make sure what you share doesn't give away too much! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)Share...

This weekend I'm going to post my review of Outside by Shalini Boland  and I'll be having a giveaway. My first giveaway! Thanks to Shalini for kindly giving me this book to review and to giveaway. It'll run the 28th to the 30th. I'm going to use Rafflecopter, I've never used the Raffle, thingy, so please bear with me.  ':)...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

IMM #17

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren, which allows you to post books you have received/bought/won this week.     NetGalley: Partials by Dan Wells Won:  Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon Dark Parties by Sara Grant Thanks to Ashelynn @ Gypsy Book Reviews Thank you! C: Signed...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Review: The Way We Fall

                 The Way We Fall Megan Crewe Disney-Hyperion Goodreads: It starts with an itch you just can't shake.  Then comes a fever and a tickle in your throat.  A few days later, you'll be blabbing your secrets and chatting with strangers like they’re...

13 Inch Macbook Air and Apple TV Giveaway!

Giveaway a Mac, I must be crazy? Nope this is a real giveaway! :) Storage 256GB256GB flash storage Processor1.7GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 with 3MB shared L3 cache $1,599.00 model configurable to dual-core 1.8GHz Intel Core i7 with 4MB shared L3 cache Memory4GB of 1333MHz DDR3 onboard memory Height: 0.11-0.68 inch (0.3-1.7...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

JANUARY MYSTERY BOX Non Fiction edition

Want to win a mystery box of ARCs! Of course you do! :) And you can because BookHonds is having the giveaway!  *.* Find out how to HERE!&nb...

Third Sentence Thursday #6

Third Sentence Thursday is a weekly meme that Heather @ Proud Book Nerd hosts.How to play along... 1. Take the book you are currently reading and post the third sentence,2. Share you'r thoughts on the sentence.3. Post a link to you'r blog in the link list (Leave it in the comments if you don't have a blog)4. Visit the other blogs to check out...

The Time Will Come #16

The Time Will Come is a weekly meme hosted by Jodi @ Books for Company, which spotlights books that have been on you'r shelves for a long time.Want to join?-Pick a book that you have been meaning to read-Do a post telling us about the book -Link the post in the linky-Visit other blogsThis weeks book is...   I love these books,...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Teaser Tuesday #18

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB @ Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:Grab you'r current readOpen the book to a random pageShare with us two (2) "teasers" sentences form that pageBe careful not to include spoilers! (make sure what you share doesn't give away too much! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)Share...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Review: Halflings by Heather Burch

Halflings (Halflings #1) Heather Burch Zondervan Goodreads: After being inexplicably targeted by an evil intent on harming her at any cost, seventeen-year-old Nikki finds herself under the watchful guardianship of three mysterious young men who call themselves halflings. Sworn to defend her, misfits Mace,...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

IMM #16

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren, which allows you to post books you have received/bought/won this week.    Bought:   Tempest  by Julie Cross Won: Legend by Marie Lu And a pin! Thanks to Mundie Moms. This book sounds so good, I can't wait to start it!  A signed copy of Swoon by...