Wishlist Wednesday, hosted by Pen to Paper to post books that you have been really wanting for a long time.
A promise.
A promise that we would be together on my fifteenth birthday . . .
Instead, Nora is on a desperate journey far away from home. When her father leaves their beloved Mexico in search of work, Nora stays behind. She fights to make sense of her loss while living in poverty—waiting for her father's return and a better day. When the letters and money stop coming, Nora decides that she and her mother must look for him in Texas. After a frightening experience crossing the border, the two are all alone in a strange place. Now, Nora must find the strength to survive while aching for small comforts: friends, a new school, and her preciousquinceañera.
Bettina Restrepo's gripping, deeply hopeful debut novel captures the challenges of one girl's unique yet universal immigrant experience.
Seems like your a fan of the Morganville Vampires as well like me!! :) Just thought you'd like to know about my blog and probably be interested in joining as its all about Morganville Vampires!!! Heres the link and by the way it's new..... www.morganvillevampirestexas.blogspot.com ... ...hope you join and enjoy!!
Thank you, I love the Morganville Vampires! :)
I haven't really read books about crossing the border so I think this would be an interesting read and heartfelt as well. I hope she does find her father.
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