The Time Will Come is a weekly meme hosted by Jodi @ Books for Company, which spotlights books that have been on you'r shelves for a long time.
Want to join? Sounds good.
-Pick a book that you have been meaning to read
-Do a post telling us about the book
-Link the post in the linky
-Visit other blogs
This weeks book is...
I know, I know, what's wrong with me, lol. I loved her other series, I haven't even started this one.
*gasps* You haven't read it yet?! This series is AMAZING!
READITREADREADITREADITREADIT now! (sorry- but I love anything written by this author :D)
I'm currently giving away a copy of Clockwork Prince (book 2) on my blog, so feel free to check it out.
My TWC post
haha don't feel bad, there are plenty of popular read that I have not gotten too. I Love this series much more than TMI ones so I hope you will too! Happy reading
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