Friday, June 14, 2013

Freebie Friday 6/14/13

Here are a few books that are free today for the Kindle! 

Undermountain (The Undermountain Saga, #1)Just Remember to BreatheSplinter
Undermountain by Eric Kent Edstrom

Just Remember to Breathe by Charles Sheehan

Splinter by London Cole  

My Soul to Keep  (Soul Keeper, #1)Always Wanted (Xander Barns, #1)Released (Romani Realms, #1)
My Soul to Keep by Melissa Solis  

Always Wanted by Sarah Tork  

Released by Mia Fox  

Aliens Are Real: Part 1Aliens Are Real: Part 2The Chosen of Gaia
Aliens Are Real: Part 1 by Sabrina Sumsion

Aliens Are Real: Part 2 by Sabrina Sumsion  

The Chosen of Gaia by M. Mariz 

Wish Upon a Star
 Wish Upon a Star by Sabrina Sumsion