Here's the books I read in the month of March.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith, Jane Austen & Philip Smiley ★★★
Hurricane Kiss by Deborah Blumenthal ★★★ ~Review to Come~
Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison ★★★★
Saga #34 by Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples ★★★★
February book of the month was:

Challenge Progress:
2016 TBR Pile: 1/11-20
Debut: 0/12-15
Dystopia: 3/13-18
Retelling: 0/5-9
New Release: 0/15
Re-read: 0/10-15
Goodreads: 17/100
Re-read: 0/10-15
Goodreads: 17/100
April TBR:
I have been in the worst reading slump so I don't know what I'm going to be in the mood for this month. I have a few books in mind, but I don't want to say I will read them and not so I'm leaving my April TBR open.

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