Friday, July 20, 2012

Crazy Book Buying Obsession Tag

This is a Youtube book tag and it was created by Jack @ ReadingWithJack back in June. I don't have a Youtube channel, but it looked so fun, I decided to do this tag on my blog. I hope that's ok. (= 

There are 10 questions in this tag, here they are...
1) Do you have an obsession with buying books?
I don't think I do, I enjoy buying books but I have restraint, I can stop buying books if I set a limit for myself.
2) When, where and how often do you buy your books? Do you go with anyone else or just by yourself?
I like to go on the weekdays, especially Mondays because the stores are not that crowded, I go to Barnes and Noble whenever I can but since the closest store to me is over an hour away, I substitute Wal-Mart to get my fix. I buy books once a month. I don't go with anyone when I buy books, mainly because I don't want to feel rushed when buying my books, I like to take my time.
3) What kind of things attract you to books when browsing them? Is there a specific genre of books you automatically go and look at?
I go straight to the Young Adult section of the bookstores first, then I might browse on over to the books on sale. Of course the covers attract my attention, but it's there stories that are the reason that I buy them.
4) Do you prefer to buy new, used or a mixture of both?
I like to get both new and used books. I love new books for the look of them on my shelf. I think books look better on the shelf when they are a brand new hardbacks. I like to get used books because they are easier on the pocketbook. Save a little cash on one of them then I might be able to get another one with the money I saved!
5) How much are you willing to spend on books each month?
 I try not to spend more than 50.00 dollars on my addiction.
6) Have you ever gone on any 'book-buying bans'?
Sadly yes, I was on a book-buying ban back in December of 2011. It was torture!
7) How long does it take you to get around to reading to recently bought books?
Depends on what books I'm reading at the time I buy those books. Sometimes I'm only reading one or two books then I'll start the book I just bought, but other times, I don't get around to reading it for a long time.
8) Do you prefer to buy a lot of shorter, cheaper books or just a few longer, more expensive ones?
I don't really think about that when I buy books, I find that I buy shorter books not because they are cheaper but because the longer books kind of scare me off, I guess. Intimidation me. Not that I have not read long books before, it's just that I read slow and it seems like it takes forever for me to read a humongous book. I will buy and read them if they sound good though. 
Maybe that's why I have yet to pick up The Lord of The Rings complete three books in one bind up that my dad had gotten me a few years ago. That books a hefty 1000+ pages long, but I did love the movies.
9) Anything else to say about these awesome obsessions?
Book obsessions are not something to be ashamed of. It's not the worst obsession you could have.
10) Who are you tagging? 
Everyone. :)

Wow, that's a lot of typing, but it was fun. I hope everyone enjoyed it.
And don't forget to check out Jack's video.