Title: Princess of Thorns
Series: Standalone
Author: Stacey Jay
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Publication Date: December 9, 2014
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Reading Source: NetGalley
Reading Level: 14+
Grade Level: 9+
Length: 400
Format: e-ARC
Cover Art: 4/5
Overall: 5/5
Game of Thrones meets the Grimm's fairy tales in this twisted, fast-paced romantic fantasy-adventure about Sleeping Beauty's daughter, a warrior princess who must fight to reclaim her throne.
Though she looks like a mere mortal, Princess Aurora is a fairy blessed with enhanced strength, bravery, and mercy yet cursed to destroy the free will of any male who kisses her. Disguised as a boy, she enlists the help of the handsome but also cursed Prince Niklaas to fight legions of evil and free her brother from the ogre queen who stole Aurora's throne ten years ago.
Will Aurora triumph over evil and reach her brother before it's too late? Can Aurora and Niklaas break the curses that will otherwise forever keep them from finding their one true love?
This is not a retelling of Sleeping Beauty instead it's more of an extension of sorts. It was the story of Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Aurora, and son, Jor.
I really liked the relationship between Princess Aurora and Prince Niklaas. The humor between them was hilarious. It was NOT instant-love, in fact they hated each other, once Niklaas found out about Ror being a girl. I also loved that there was magic and fairies and ogres in the story, and the other fairy tale characters mashed in the book as well. Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel. There was also a twist of The Swan Princess.
I had a hard time getting into the story but after the first few chapters it picked up for me. Normally I really dislike multiply POVs but this was different, I found myself flying through the entire book. Aurora was a great heroine, she was strong and goodhearted even if she was a little stubborn. She really cared for her brother and would do anything to take care of him, including give herself up to save his life. And I didn't really like Niklaas at first, he seemed conceited and too-good-for-anybody, but I soon warmed up to him, I found it is just part of his charm. The Ogre Queen and all the ogres, were terrifying characters, how they stole human souls. The ending was wrapped up nicely but it felt a bit rushed.
Princess of Thorns was my first Stacey Jay book and I will be looking forward to reading her other books. I'm really interested in Of Beast and Beauty. I can see why people love her books, her writing was great.
Thank you to Delacorte Press and NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.
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