It's 2015 already, 2014 went by so fast. I hope everyone had fun and safe New Year. In 2014 I read a total of 87 books, not too bad. There are a few things that I want to change for this year.
~ Try to be more active on the blog. I have been very busy and I know that that is not a good excuse, there are a ton of people that have jobs and other responsibilities and update their blogs often.
-I might get a blogging partner, or have a guest blogger. Maybe.-
~ I might review manga and or anime. I love anime but don't watch it as often as I used to but with Netflix and other websites I might get back into them.
~ I want to read 100 books this year, I have tried the past two years now and have failed. This year might be different.
~ Cut my To-Read books down. More than half of the books that I own are unread. I am not going to go on a book buying ban this year because I only buy books once a month unless it's an e-book.
~ Read more e-books. I just have so many, and they just keep piling up with all the deals and free kindle books, I can't help myself.
~ Finish series. I have started so many series that I really need to finish. I did finally finish the Harry Potter series!
~ Don't request as many books, I already have about thirty books from NetGalley.
~ Branch out. I feel like I've been stuck in YA, even though I love YA, I think I really need to try new genres. Classics in particular.
-Read one book a month that not in my comfort zone.
~ Re-read. Just relive some of my favorites or give some of my not so favorite books another chance. See if I still feel the same way about them.
~ Purge books. Like I already said, I have too many so many books, I need room. I have a box of books that are ready to go out and a new shelve forming. I might have a giveaway for them or just recycle them to my local library or Goodwill.
~ Manage my time better. I have picked up a few new hobbies, I just recently learnt how to crochet and knit. And if you know me you know I love television shows and series that are coming back on air soon, The Walking Dead comes back in February and Once Upon a Time comes back in March. Just to name a couple of shows that I'm addicted to. So there's that to take up even more of my time.
This is what I was going to change. Since I am such a moody ready I never seem to stick with the books on my TBR list so I think I'll make a list of books that I might read or that appeals to me at that time for that month, if that makes sense.
I will update the Challenges page in the next few days. As well

(I might try some of these.)
Goodreads Challenges
-The Young Adult Book Club-

I will be posting my December 2014 & January 2015 TBR list in a couple days.

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